Sunday, February 9, 2014

Introductory Post?

This blog was created for one thing, and one thing only. To critique other blogs. Primarily this one made by a classmate of mine, but I'll also do whatever else I feel like. So lets start simple, his laughable entry title 'Introductory Post'. The worst part of this post is the first line, opening with a simple, "Hello audience, or lack of...". I hate this, I really truly do.
Oh man, what a totally creative joke!
This is one of many 'surprise' jokes I'm expecting to see come from Usedtobe Sadeeiq. He then continue to confess to everyone how lazy he is, and makes sure to inform the audience why he chose to name the blog limitless creations, and then uses about 1,000 parenthesis to add completely important necessary blurbs of information (NOT REALLY). He mentions his affiliation with the IB program, and his apparent obsession with a video game. However, he does manage to retain some amount of swaggyness(?) by mentioning he's on the swim team, which no one in our entire school knows because he never talks about it. The next part of this entry is so horribly cheesy that I can only really summarize how terrible it is with a picture, which society has informed me is worth exactly 1,000 words.
If you think it can't get worse than this, you're in for a surprise
Anyway that's all I've got for this one because I became bored while reading his first post.

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